Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Those who would do anything to have a baby and those who would do anything to get rid of one.

The topic of abortion has fast become prominent in society and has also become widely accepted. As we know, abortion is taking the life of a fetus. A couple creates a baby "by accident" and decides that they don't want it. Recently, I met a lady who was unable to have a baby. In the end, she was able to conceive through In-Vitro. Through this deep, touching conversation, I truly felt hurt how people have the power to create life so easily but decide to give it up. They simply make a decision for the fetus. It's a life or death decision made for someone else. Others want a child very badly. They are unable to naturally conceive. These people would do anything in their power to conceive a child. This showed me a contrast in those who get things easily but doesn't appreciate the gift and those who just aren't so lucky but work hard for the gift of life.

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